The case study

Why a case study: so the experience is preserved for future to serve the immunity of the place.

A series of case studies of legal nature, designed to use available legal tools to protect

the rights of the live Nature of the place.

Summary :

    Consists of the analysis of the 17 (as of 2022) years experience of a project for nature recuperation ( ≃ ecological restoration, reforestation, protection, rehabilitation), a practical exercise, set up in the far South of South America; of an experiment where private property is used to protect the privacy of Nature, supported only by personal funds (with the exception of subsidies for reforestation covering a portion of the planting and help to the forest by a neighbour), funds saved through long-term work at managerial positions in an international environmental organisation, international environmental conventions, chemicals treaties and a national EPA, and by using that experience; of the extend nature can regenerate after 80 years of large scale and severe degradation by anthropogenic activities, in a region where the ecosystems and wilderness have been consistently ruined, some of them collapsed and presently mainly novel ecosystems have developed; of which features of the ecosystem could be restored, and which are lost forever; to what extent resilience can be rebuilt and of what exactly ecosystem we are rebuilding the resilience; on the other hand no one knows what “resilience” really means and there are virtually no indicators to assess resilience capacity, so the Project is rather building the anti-fragility of a novel ecosystem, making it as independent, adaptable and flexible as possible in the long term, including resilience to societal changes.

    Uses, as well as this site, only personal experiences and conclusions. The experiences, solutions, challenges, achievements, mistakes and opportunities described here are specific to the present project and case study only, with some minimal extrapolation on the region. Due to the disinterest and animosity for this type of projects on the local level, which the project refrained from attempting to change, resulting from the reticence to change land use from destructive cattle raising and uncontrolled development of adventure tourism (but the land use is changing anyway in the region), as well as to the international valuation of the project, some pages are not translated into Spanish (English being the international language). Only a frame of the study is presented through this site.

In 2020 the project was accepted in the programme supporting the restoration of the habitat of the puma by Conexión Jaguar. In 2021 the project has conducted its 16 years’ effectiveness evaluation. In 2022 the project is made suitable for compensation planting of native trees, the planting is going successfully in 2023.

  Has been used as a showcase for acute Nature degradation and abuse of Nature’s rights; as well as to shape a

a site-based legal programme , indicative of various legal issues, oriented at the protection of Nature’s rights by restoration of the Rule of Law, national and international, for the specific natural site and its immediate social environment (copyrighted and replicable), ensuring long-term legal protection of reforested wild areas, and to register agreements on the In Rem Right of Conservation (Law 20.930) implemented by lawyers, so it can take the necessary steps to protect the area, to ensure long-term legal protection of the land of the project and re-created native forest, protecting the rights or private landowners in nature restoration and protection, as well as ensuring its international exposure and networking. It has also been used to identify solutions for making ecological restoration and reforestation projects independent, to identifying relevant existing experiences, f.e. nature exclusion zones, and philosophies, f.e. rights of Nature, Biosphere theory or personhood of ecosystems, to develop own approaches, criteria and principles.

    Seeks to apply holistic approach to land conservation and forest protection, summarized as protection of living matter, based on personally identified  best available practices (BAP) for this particular project, regardless of their physical or time location, for the determining facets of the project.